Exploring the Safety and Efficacy of Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy for Anorexia Nervosa — Stephanie Knatz Peck, PhD
A new study has found that brain circuits that normally drive eating are less responsive to hunger in individuals with anorexia nervosa, potentially explaining why individuals with the disorder are not motivated to eat.
Press ReleaseThe American Journal of Psychiatry
Getting to Know Eating Disorders Treatment Center
Eating Disorders Treatment Center
Overview of treatment experience at Eating Disorders Treatment Center.
A 360° View - Eating Disorders Program
Dr. Donald Kearns shares a moving letter from a grateful parent.
Brain Imaging and Eating Disorders
Walter H. Kaye, MD, Founder and Professor Emeritus
How Brain Imaging Research has helped develop innovative treatments for eating disorders patients.
Treatment Programs

Our treatment programs include three separate clinics: Pediatric, Adolescent, and Adult, offering 10-hour and 6-hour Day Treatment and Intensive Outpatient programs. Staffed with expert physicians and psychologists, the inpatient unit provides medical stabilization of abnormal cardiovascular function and helps those who are severely underweight and require nutritional restoration under expert care. Finally, our one-week intensive family therapy programs for adolescents and adults provide 40 hours of psychoeducation, DBT skills, and family based treatment. Ideal for families who are transitioning between levels of care, or are lacking evidence-based practitioners where they live.
Research in Eating Disorders

Research Studies in Eating Disorders
We have a number of active studies that are currently recruiting individuals with eating disorders, women who have recovered from eating disorders, and individuals who have never had an eating disorder.
Published Papers
Walter Kaye and the UCSD Eating Disorders Research team have published over 250 papers on the neurobiology of eating disorders. These studies are guiding the development of more effective, neurobiologically informed interventions.
Articles & Handouts
Towards Establishing the Role of Family Support in the Treatment of Adults with Anorexia Nervosa — Article by Stephanie Knatz, PhD
To weigh or not to weigh? — Article by Walter H. Kaye, MD, Founder and Professor Emeritus
Puzzling Symptoms: Eating Disorders and the Brain — F.E.A.S.T. Family Guide to the Neurobiology of Eating Disorders
Mealtime Distractions Handout